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Wednesday, September 28

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CIDI Workshop - Creating Interactive Activities for OER Texts (Pressbooks)


Pressbooks is an open e-book authoring and publishing platform available to USU teachers and students. It allows teachers and students to find, reuse, author, and publish open content. Additionally, it incorporates tools for creating interactive activities to accompany the text using the open H5P assessment platform. Learn how to create or adopt an open textbook and make it interactive.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Aggie Small Business Fair


The Aggie Small Business Fair is an opportunity for students from all over campus to come and interact with student entrepreneurs and their businesses. Entrepreneurs from multiple schools on campus will have products available to sell, and information on resources available to student business owners will be available. Come join for a fun afternoon filled with live music, refreshments, and entrepreneurial spirit! If you are a USU student-entrepreneur and would like a booth/table to share your business and products, please fill out the form.

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Quad |

Chemistry and Biochemistry Fall Seminar Series: Dr. Hong Li, Florida State University


Hong Li's research focuses on RNA-mediated processes and their potential applications in biotechnology development. She is a well-recognized structural biologist and is the Pfeiffer Family Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Director of the Institute of Molecular Biophysics at Florida State University. She is also an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Eccles Science Learning Center |

Friends of the Merrill-Cazier Library Lecture Series: Anticipatory Intelligence and the 21st Century Threats


Dr. Johnson will introduce the concept of Anticipatory Intelligence, the groundbreaking Center for Anticipatory Intelligence (CAI) at USU that offers courses and research within this field, and the 21st century "threatscape" that requires an anticipatory intelligence skill set. Johnson is the Director of the Center for Anticipatory Intelligence (CAI) on USU’s campus. She worked within the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Intelligence as a member of the Balkan Task Force from 1998-1999 and served with the US State Department in Embassies Paris and Zagreb. The Cultural Topography analytic method she pioneered with co-author Matt Berrett was featured in CIA’s June 2011 edition of Studies in Intelligence. Dr. Johnson’s primary research interest examines the impact of national and organizational cultures on the formation of security policy. library.usu.edu/news-and-events

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Black Student Union Movie Night on the Quad

Student Activities

Black Student Union Movie on the quad. The Black Student Union is excited to be hosting a movie night on the quad! Bring blankets and some friends for a good time! BSU will be watching "Coming to America" A comedy starring Eddie Murphy. Tickets will be sold before the event on the quad, as well as BSU merchandise!

7:30 pm - 10:00 pm | Quad |




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