Campus Life

The Derek Chauvin Trial: Think, Care, and Act to Support Each Other in the Aggie Family

A message from USU President Noelle E. Cockett

A verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer charged with the murder of George Floyd nearly one year ago, is now under deliberation by the jury.

While the outcome is out of our hands, what is within our control is how we think, care, and act in support of each other within the Utah State University family. As a university, we are dedicated to improving safety, inclusivity, and equity for all.

There is legitimate hurt, fear, sadness, helplessness, and anger in communities most affected by all that is taking place in our society. If you have these feelings, you are not alone, and USU stands with you.

If you or someone you know needs a person to talk to, a support network, or information, there are many resources available:

Students Only

In addition, Student Affairs sent an email to all students on Wednesday, April 14, with information about resources and services through CAPS.

Employees and Students


Amanda DeRito
Associate VP of Strategic Communications
University Marketing and Communications

Comments and questions regarding this article may be directed to the contact person listed on this page.

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