Teaching & Learning

No Golden Ticket Necessary: USU's Aggie Chocolate Factory Hosts Wonka-Like Experience

By Taylor Emerson |

Video by Taylor Emerson, Digital Journalist, University Marketing & Communications

The Aggie Chocolate Factory hosted the 3rd Annual Chocolate Project on Feb. 1 — the culmination of a partnering school’s class project centered around the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

While reading Roald Dahl’s classic in the fall, students from Mark Sanderson’s class at American One English Schools in West Valley, Utah, were tasked with competing to see who could come up with the best idea for a new chocolate bar. The winner of the competition was then decided by a student vote.

This year Gricelda Arzaluz combined a simple set of ingredients, just dark chocolate and pistachios, into her winner — the Gracy Bite. Students were then invited to come tour the chocolate factory and create the bar themselves.

This is the first time the Willy Wonka-esque experience has been done with adult students. In the past, it’s been middle school students who get to compete for the top chocolatier honors.


Taylor Emerson
Digital Journalist
University Marketing and Communications
(435) 797-2262


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