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October 16 - 22, 2022

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Personal Financial Planning Club Meeting

Student Activities

Come join the Personal Financial Planning Club for our latest meeting! The Personal Financial Planning (PFP) club presents opportunities to learn details of financial planning while networking with prestigious financial planners with real-life experience. Service activities provide students hands-on financial experience in the community. We meet biweekly to hear from financial planners currently in the field working mainly across Cache Valley, as well as better prepare to enter a career in financial planning ourselves. If you'd like more details on who we'll be hearing from at our latest meeting, or if you would like to join the club please email usu.fpaclub@gmail.com

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |

TRIO Student Support Services Fall College Tour

Student Activities

College Tour to Utah State University for USU Blanding TRIO SSS participants including Hale Centre Theatre experience.

From 10/20 at 6:00 am to 10/21 at 10:00 pm | Utah State University |

Pumpkin Toss

Student Activities

The Pumpkin Toss is one of ASME’s biggest events of the year! Teams build trebuchets and compete as they launch pumpkins across the field and try to hit targets such as pianos, trampolines, fridges, furniture, and whatever else North Logan City can find! Hundreds of people from the community come to watch and enjoy the food trucks and other booths that will be there. Joining a team is easy! Sponsors help provide supplies, and the ASME Council can help along the way.

11:00 am - 1:00 pm |




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