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Science Unwrapped: Celebrate Undergrad Research - Geoscientist Josh Lively

Panel Discussion/Presentation | Science Unwrapped

Science Unwrapped, the public STEM outreach program of USU's College of Science, invites inquiring of minds of all ages to participate in science learning fun. Admission is free. Each event begins with a brief science talk following by hands-on learning activities and refreshments. Our Spring 2025 theme is "Celebrate Undergrad Research" in recognition of USU's 2025 "Year of Undergraduate Research." Feb 21 Speaker: Joshua “Josh” Lively, a geoscientist, evolutionary biologist and paleontologist, is a self-described dinosaur digger, Alabamian in Utah, birder, Auburn grad and jaded football fan. At USU Eastern, Josh is the curator of USU Eastern’s renowned Prehistoric Museum, and studies ecosystems of the Late Cretaceous period – the last 35 million years of the ‘Age of Dinosaurs.’ Using a combination of vertebrate paleontology, phylogenetics (how organisms are related), stratigraphy, sedimentology and osteology (anatomy and function of bone), he engages undergrad scholars in unlocking the pattern and process of evolution in the context of changing environments in the breathtaking landscapes of central and southern Utah and the Intermountain West.

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm | Eccles Science Learning Center Auditorium |




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