Upcoming Events


Automotive - Visual Inspection Workshop


Come learn how to inspect your vehicle, what to issues to look for, and how to perform general maintenance on your vehicle We will be performing visual inspections on various vehicles and discussing what to look for. We will talk about fluid types, levels and leaks as well as safety features including brakes. We will also go over how to perform general maintenance including changing oil and tires. Will be held at the Auto Shop at Grand County High School - TSAC building

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm |

Free Automotive Workshop


Learn how to inspect your vehicle for safety and maintenance issues and how to perform
general maintenance on your vehicle. Including: changing oil and tires, checking
fluid levels and checking for leaks. This workshop will be held at the Grand County High School Auto Shop.

For more information and to register: moab.tech@usu.edu or 435-797-1538

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm |

100% Online Master of Public Health Nutrition Virtual Open House

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Join us for a Virtual Open House to learn more about Master of Public Health (MPH) Nutrition program offered 100% online through the Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Sciences at Utah State University. The Virtual Open House will be held on Thursday, March 23rd from 7-8pm MT. The virtual open house will include a program overview and a Q&A session. This is a live-streamed event, however a recording will be available at a later time for individuals who register but are not able to attend live. Zoom information will be provided to anyone who registers. To register, please go to this link https://usu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8k2bIZfaexCPp6S.

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

LAEP Speaker Series: Sean Burkholder


Managing Muddy Methods As climate-induced shifts make our coastal environments increasingly volatile and unpredictable, establishing new ways of working that move beyond the tried-and-true assumptions that past observations provide accurate examples for future conditions has become necessary. This becomes even more prescient when considering the objectives of designing or engineering with nature as opposed to simply protecting ourselves against it. Experimentation and contextual knowledge are finding new applications where once we relied on established and universal standards of best practice. With a focus on liminal coastal environments of both fresh and salt water, this talk will span a range of recent design work, organized around the subject of landscape research methods and this role of experimentation.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Fine Arts Visual |

Aviation Week Day 1 - Helicopter Landing on the Quad


Come watch one of our helicopters land on the quad at 10:20am and talk to our pilot. Stick around or come back at 1:30pm to watch the helicopter depart.

1:10 pm - 2:20 pm | Quad |

Aviation Week Day 2 - Maintenance Day Lab Tour


Tour our Aviation Maintenance Lab to see where our maintenance students prepare for the future and watch a jet engine run-up on Utah's only collegiate jet engine test cell

11:30 am - 1:00 pm | Utah State University Logan Campus |

Aviation Week Banquet


Join us for our annual Aviation Banquet and fundraising Silent Auction, hear from industry professionals, and enjoy a great meal

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |

Aviation Week Day 4 - Career Day


Our Aviation Career Conference provides anyone with the opportunity to meet aviation professionals and discuss potential future employment within the industry

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm | TSC, Sunburst Lounge |

Aviation Week Day 4 - Drone Day


Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) - aka "Drones" demos and hands-on flights on the Old Main Quad

10:30 am - 1:00 pm | Quad |

Aviation Week Day 4


Test your flying skills in a flight simulator located in room 113 of the Industrial Science Building

11:00 am - 1:00 pm |

Aviation Week Day 5 - Airport Open House


Come see our fixed-wing and rotary training fleets, tour our dispatch and operations center and training facilities at the Logan/Cache Airport

12:00 pm - 4:00 pm |

LAEP Speaker Series: Anna Cawrse and Joshua Brooks


Leading with Landscape

Anna Cawrse and Josh Brooks will explore how leading with landscape lets Sasaki tackle some of the most complex and challenging urban design and landscape architecture projects across the world. By starting with environmental systems as the driving framework, they will explore the urban constraints at Denargo Market in Denver, CO; how to create a more ecologically resilient future for University Lakes in Baton Rouge, LA; how to transform abandoned infrastructure in Athens, Greece into Europe's largest urban waterfront park; and how research can help cities and parks tackle climate change.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Fine Arts Visual |



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