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Nutrition For Real Life - Resources for Students


Register to attend this workshop at https://recportal.usu.edu/. This workshop will be held in the ARC Nutrition Center or room 120.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |

USU HELP - Student


USU HELP - Student

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Nuts about Nuts!


This is a cooking demo where you will get to sample all of the recipes made. Register to attend this workshop at https://recportal.usu.edu/. This workshop will be held in the ARC Nutrition Center or room 120.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |

Stress & Anxiety Workshop Series Part One: The Real Reason You Are Stressed Out


Part one of this six series workshop will focus on learning about the mind/body stress response and help identify your personal triggers for stress and anxiety. You will start to create an action plan to effectively manage stress. Attend all of the workshops in the series or just a couple. Either way you will have a new approach to stress. All workshops in the series are interactive and experiential.

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Building Balanced Meals


Register to attend this workshop at https://recportal.usu.edu/. This workshop will be held in the ARC Nutrition Center or room 120.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |

Eating Intuitively: Where do I start?


This event is part of Powered by Your Body Week which aims to raise awareness to and prevent disordered eating and body distress struggles among college students. This workshop specifically will go into the 10 principles of Intuitive Eating and also give you concrete ways to start implementing Intuitive Eating into your daily life to help improve your relationship with food! It will be held in the Library, Room 154.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Powered by Your Body: Intuitive Eating Workshop


Intuitive Eating is a practice, not a diet. There are 10 principles outlined in Intuitive Eating, however there are no food rules. The goal of Intuitive Eating is to follow your individualized body cues regarding food & nutrition and really understand and honor what your body needs. This workshop will give you an introduction to Intuitive Eating and the 10 principles but also give you some practical skills to start working towards becoming an Intuitive Eater. In person - LIB 154 ZOOM- Meeting ID: 838 3808 3437 Passcode: 558080

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Sress & Anxiety Workshop Series Part Two: Just Breathe


Ever hear the phrase “just breathe” and wonder what good breathing actually does (besides keeping you alive)? Come to this workshop to see why breathing is effective in managing stress and anxiety.

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

What are Eating Disorders?


Eating disorders are often confused or overlooked due to society's idealization of thin bodies and dieting, but eating disorders are serious, life-threatening mental illnesses. This workshop will explore signs, symptoms, and causes of eating disorders, options for seeking care, and how you can support someone going through an eating disorder.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Powered by Your Body: What are Eating Disorders? Workshop


Eating disorders are often confused or overlooked due to society's idealization of thin bodies and dieting, but eating disorders are serious, life-threatening mental illnesses. This workshop will explore signs, symptoms, and causes of eating disorders, options for seeking care, and how you can support someone going through an eating disorder. In person - LIB 154 Zoom - Meeting ID: 850 2409 0528 Passcode: 283330

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Powered by Your Body: Fat Acceptance Workshop by the Inclusion Center


This workshop provides an introduction to fat acceptance and how it relates to body liberation. We will discuss the history and differences between fat acceptance and the body positivity movement, delve deeper into how to implement the framework of body liberation in our own lives, dismantle the stigma we’ve associated with the word fat, and cultivate radical self-love.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Powered by Your Body: Body Acceptance Workshop


Negative body image is a common issue among college students. The term, “body image,” refers to the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs you hold about your body, as well as how they affect your daily life. Body acceptance is a way to build a healthier relationship with your body. In this workshop, we will explore what body image distress and body acceptance is and tools to help you move towards a place of body acceptance. Location: LIB 154 | Zoom (Meeting ID: 874 7451 7810 Passcode: 067946)

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Body Acceptance


Negative body image is a common issue among college students. The term, “body image,” refers to the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs you hold about your body, as well as how they affect your daily life. Body acceptance is a way to build a healthier relationship with your body. In this workshop, we will explore what body image distress and body acceptance is and tools to help you move towards a place of body acceptance.
This workshop is available on zoom and in the Library room 154.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Powered By Your Body: Male Body Positivity Class


Males also struggle with body image and disordered eating concerns. However, it isn't talked about as much but is still so important to combating diet culture. This class will cover the common areas in which males struggle with body image and how you can start to overcome these thoughts. These classes are put on by senior USU Dietetics students. A second class will be offered at 1pm.

10:00 am - 11:00 am | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |

Debunking Diet Culture


Diet culture tells us that our appearance and body shape are more important than physical, psychological, and general well-being. It's the idea that controlling your body, particularly your diet—by limiting what and how much you eat—is normal. This workshop will explore the harmful effects of diet culture, debunk the myths it tells us about our food and bodies, and how to take of ourselves in a world surrounded with diet culture.
This workshop is available on zoom and in the Library room 154.

11:00 am - 12:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Powered by Your Body: Debunking Diet Culture Workshop


Diet culture tells us that our appearance and body shape are more important than physical, psychological, and general well-being. It's the idea that controlling your body, particularly your diet—by limiting what and how much you eat—is normal. This workshop will explore the harmful effects of diet culture, debunk the myths it tells us about our food and bodies, and how to take of ourselves in a world surrounded with diet culture. Location: LIB 154 | Zoom (Meeting ID: 890 2117 6366 Passcode: 414031)

11:00 am - 12:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Easy & Affordable Meal Prep


This is a cooking demo where you will get to sample all of the recipes made. Register to attend this workshop at https://recportal.usu.edu/. This workshop will be held in the ARC Nutrition Center or room 120.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |

Stress & Anxiety Workshop Series Part Four: Visualization & Imagery


Imagery and visualization are evidence-based strategies to help reduce stress and anxiety. These techniques may also improve performance anxiety or interpersonal interactions.

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Online/Virtual |




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