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October 30 - November 5, 2022

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Science Week: Rapid Fire Research

Panel Discussion/Presentation

During Science Week 2022, the USU community is invited to enjoy innovative student research presentations -- each of which are 4 minutes long with 4 slides! Both undergrad and grad students of all majors are invited to apply to present by Oct. 30.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Life Sciences Building |

Science Unwrapped: Fantasies of Continuous Growth

Special Event | Science Unwrapped

Inquiring minds of all ages are invited to Science Unwrapped, the public outreach program of USU's College of Science. Admission is free.

Our Nov. 4 speaker is USU physicist Rob Davies, who presents "Fantasies of Continuous Growth: Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud" at 7 pm in the Emert Auditorium (ESLC 130) of the Eccles Science Learning Center on the USU Logan campus. Dr. Davies will speak for about half an hour and then invite questions from the audience. Afterwards, enjoy refreshments and hands-on STEM learning activities provided by student and community groups in the ESLC atrium. For more information, including directions and parking, visit usu.edu/science/unwrapped.

Nov. 4, 2022 Talk Description: What do we mean when we say "exponential growth"? Physicist Rob Davies will define this concept and how it relates to viruses, as well as economic growth and humanity's impact on the planet.

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm | Eccles Science Learning Center Auditorium |

USU Observatory Public Viewing Night

Special Event

Astronomy enthusiasts of all ages are invited to the USU Observatory to view the night sky through the observatory's 20-inch reflecting telescope. Admission is free. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please visit observatory.usu.edu PRIOR TO YOUR ARRIVAL on Friday, Nov. 4 for updates, as the gathering will be cancelled in the event of cloudy or inclement weather. The website also provides directions to the observatory and parking information.

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | SER Building |




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