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MFA Thesis Exhibition: Ben Nathan & Marlaina Lutz


Personal Details by Ben Nathan

Personal Details is an exhibition of mixed media works on paper by artist, Ben Nathan. The art in the exhibition is the culmination of three years of aesthetic inquiry and research done by Ben while earning a Master of Fine Arts degree in Printmaking at USU. Personal Details borrows techniques and materials from Printmaking and Drawing, combined in the interest of creating subtly detailed layers and textures which reflect the artist’s thoughts on childhood, adulthood, and parenthood. Ben’s artistic goal is to produce images that are rich with personal detail, and aesthetically representative of the mental tapestries that he creates for himself when memory and reflection overlap. Each composition has been carefully crafted to portray Ben’s lived experiences through the representation of significant places, spaces, and objects. The works in the exhibition are the fruits of deep introspective thought fueled by memory, experience, and emotion.

A reception will be held Thursday, April 20. from 5 – 7PM.

9:00 am - 5:00 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Tippetts and Eccles Galleries |



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