Upcoming Events


Facilitating Students Engagement with Challenging Material: The Power of Literary Learning Circles

Workshop/Training | Sparkshops

Many of us teach required courses that are not at the top of most students' list of classes they are most excited to take. Small group learning circles have been a powerful tool we have used over the past three years to improve student engagement with course material in what we have come to call in Social Work, high resistance topic areas/courses. The response from students has been overwhelmingly positive and the experience of faculty has been equally positive. Come learn about how you might adapt this assignment/tool to enhance your students learning and your own teaching experience.

12:00 pm - 12:40 pm | Online/Virtual |

Inclusive Pedagogy and Navigating Power: An Honors Program

Workshop/Training | Sparkshops

The Honors Inclusive Pedagogy Sparkshop will focus on navigating power dynamics in the classroom. Discussion topics will include understanding various relationships among the positionalities of the instructor and students, empowering the voices of all students, and managing power imbalances or contra-power challenges in the classroom. The discussion will result in 2-3 specific strategies for building an inclusive, balanced, and empowering classroom.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |



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