Entrepreneur Leadership Series: Jon Schmidt

Jon Schmidt is a contemporary American pianist and composer, celebrated for his versatile musical talent and compositions. Schmidt’s musical interest started at a young age because of his parent's gift of an early education in music. He started teaching piano lessons at 16 and began a successful solo career in his early twenties. His distinctive style blends classical influences with modern elements, creating a unique musical fusion that resonates with audiences worldwide.
When going to college, Schmidt was worried about a career in music. He studied English and planned to get an MBA. After continuous pestering from people asking him to play the piano, he finally rented out a concert hall to introduce himself to the public. His audience loved him, and he hasn’t regretted pursuing his music career.
Jon Schmidt is a member of The Piano Guys, a musical group known for their innovative arrangements and music videos. The Piano Guys was formed in 2010 and the group has a large online following which has created millions of views on YouTube. Their goal is to inspire those who listen to their music.


Wednesday, February 28, 2024 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Eccles Conference Center Auditorium

Event Type

Panel Discussion/Presentation


Entrepreneurship Center

Target Audience

Students,Alumni,Faculty,Staff,General Public





Event Contact

Name: Page Longhurst
Phone: 435.797.1107
Email: page.longhurst@usu.edu




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