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Summer Jobs Fair

Social/Networking | Career Fair

Why do you need to attend this job fair? Career fairs are the primary stage for students to actually get a job. This event is geared toward all students interested in pursuing a career, needing a summer job, or internship in any field. Register early and let the employers know you are coming. They are excited to meet our amazing Aggie students. Register early and take a look at our growing list of employers that will be attending and ready to hire our students. Come interview-ready with your resume for possible on-the-spot interview or call-back. Maybe you are not actively searching right now. Our career fairs provide the perfect opportunity to network and interact with various experienced professionals from several different industries. Come learn from them. Find out what employers are looking for. Find out what new skills you want and need to keep up with industry trends. Learn more about yourself. Don’t wait until the last minute to think about your future. Start preparing now, your future career could be found at this fair.

10:00 am - 1:30 pm | TSC, International Lounge |




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