Upcoming Events


Advancing Women Through “Developmental Relationships”: A Dialogue with Global Experts

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for this Spring Women’s Leadership Forum.

Over the past 40 years, research has shown that “developmental relationships” facilitate career success, particularly for leaders. In addition, multiple developers (e.g., mentors, sponsors, or peers) enhance individuals’ learning, growth, and advancement. Globally recognized experts, Drs. Murphy and Kram have studied leadership, identity, and positive relationships at work to provide a foundation for understanding how to advance women through developmental relationships. In an interactive discussion with Dr. Susan R. Madsen, they will talk about five specific types of developmental relationships that are critical for developing women leaders: mentors, sponsors, peers, executive coaches, and learning partners. These relationships provide a range of supportive functions that both challenge and enable women to learn and thrive as they advance. The discussion will also cover strategies for individual women crafting these developmental relationships and ways that organizations can create and sustain a climate that fosters these connections.

Free - Register Online in Advance

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Engineering: Making a Difference While Making a Living

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Kim Shelley’s career has focused on Utah’s environmental priorities. As the Executive Director of the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), she leads with a vision of improving the health and quality of life of Utah residents through the administration of state and federal laws that protect Utah’s air, land and water. An engineer by training, Shelley has held various leadership roles within DEQ, most recently as the department’s deputy director. She was the assistant director of the Division of Water Quality and manager of the Surface Water Discharge Program, where she oversaw the permitting of complex wastewater projects. She was also previously appointed by former Gov. Gary Herbert to represent the state on the Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Forum and Advisory Council. Before she joined the Division of Water Quality, she worked in the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation’s underground storage tank program. In addition to her public sector experience, Shelley has worked in private industry as a research and development engineer. Shelley was raised in Salt Lake City and is a graduate of the University of Utah with a bachelor’s degree in Metallurgical Eng

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm | Engineering Building |

Future of the Great Salt Lake: Discussion and Q&A

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Presenters: Dr. Brian Steed, Executive Director of the Institute for Land, Water, and Air, and Dr. Patrick Belmont from the College of Natural Resources. FREE PIZZA

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm | David B. Haight Center |

Randy Quarles - Eccles Lecture

Panel Discussion/Presentation | Focused Friday

Randy Quarles, former Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve, delivers the George S. Eccles Distinguished Lecture in Economics.

10:30 am - 11:30 am | Eccles Conference Center Auditorium |

Department of Wildland Resources Graduate Student Symposium

Panel Discussion/Presentation

A day of presentations followed by an evening social for all first-year WILD graduate students and Ph.D. students who are in year two or later.

All Day | Natural Resources Building |

Re-Storying the Land: The Dirty Work of Restoration

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Be part of the discussion as graduate students share stories and oral histories from conservationists in Utah about the dirty work of land restoration and how it connects us to one another. Learn what you can do to heal humanity by healing the land.

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm | USU Libraries |



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