Land & Environment

USU Researchers Pair Tree Rings With Climate Data to Understand Forest Climate Adaptation

By Taylor Emerson |

Video by Taylor Emerson, Digital Journalist, University Marketing & Communications

Climate change is expected to impact forests worldwide, according to the EPA — in some ways to the benefit of a forest, in others to its detriment.

Regardless, it will likely cause disturbances to, and within, their ecosystems.

To help understand how we can prepare and manage forests in the face of climate adaptation, USU researchers are investigating how trees have historically adjusted to changes in climate throughout their lives.

In this video, learn how USU Associate Professor Justin DeRose, and dendrochronologist Ryan Jess are using tree rings to look into the past to try and plan for the future.


Taylor Emerson
Digital Journalist
University Marketing and Communications
(435) 797-2262


Justin DeRose
Associate Professor
Wildland Resources


Research 958stories Climate 166stories Land Management 137stories



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