University Affairs

USU Names Assistant Vice President of Regional Campuses

Utah State University has named Taylor Adams as the assistant vice president of Regional Campuses. Adams, who previously worked as senior project coordinator for Regional Campuses, will work in close collaboration with Dave Woolstenhulme, vice president of Regional Campuses, and Rich Etchberger vice provost of Regional Campuses. She will assist them in providing leadership, expertise, analysis, and coordination in developing and implementing a range of services to support students, staff and faculty in USU’s statewide system. 

“I’m excited to continue to work on behalf of USU students across the state of Utah,” said Adams. “As the state’s land-grant institution, we have the opportunity to provide education to community members throughout Utah. I take very seriously the role I have to assist students in realizing and reaching their educational goals, because I know their successes at USU can create wonderful opportunities for themselves, their families and their communities.”

Adams will play a major role in Regional Campus recruitment, advising, retention and completion, ensuring students are empowered for success while at USU and beyond. She will assist in providing leadership, vision and supervision to Regional Campus personnel along with program advancement and faculty support statewide. 

“Taylor has been working hard behind the scenes of Regional Campuses, and is a major reason our campuses have been doing so well throughout the state the past few years,” said Woolstenhulme. “Through this new position, she will have more responsibility and influence on major decisions, bringing with her innovative ideas that will positively affect USU’s statewide system.”

Since her undergraduate days, Adams has been a part of the Aggie system and understands in great depth USU’s land-grant mission. She earned her bachelor’s in 2010, and completed her master’s in 2016, publishing research titled “Student Satisfaction at Utah State University Regional Campuses.” Aside from her personal academic career, she has worked at USU as an instructor, public relations specialist, academic advisor and senior project coordinator for Regional Campuses. 

Adams will begin working as assistant vice president of Regional Campuses on November 1. 


Dana Rhoades
University Marketing and Communications

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