Campus Life

Book Critic Enjoys Highlighting Work of Regional Authors

Book Critic Enjoys Highlighting Work of Regional Authors

Charlene HirschiWhen avid reader Charlene Hirschi saw the ad for a book critic for the Logan Herald Journal's Cache Magazine, she was thrilled. "I'd been looking for a column opportunity for some time, and had honed my reviewing and critiquing skills in various classes, especially Helen Cannon's New Yorker class," said Hirschi.

To win the position Hirschi had to compete with many other writers before Cache Magazine editor Jeremy Pugh made his decision. "Out of many qualified applicants, Hirschi's clear writing style and obvious love of reading stood out," said Pugh.

Hirschi got the job. She's been writing a regular book review column since August 2002.

"My interests in western history, folklore and fiction were a big plus in my favor," said Hirschi, who holds a master's degree in English, a minor in folklore, and has done extensive course work in western literature.

"The opportunity to highlight the work of regional writers who are often first-time or little-known authors, is one of the most enjoyable aspects of this job," said Hirschi.

She doesn't just review regional authors, however.

"It is like Christmas every week or so, as I receive packages of books in the mail from publishers," she said. "This gives me the opportunity to read a variety of works and genres I might otherwise have not encountered."

Hirschi, who teaches courses in Utah State University's Department of English and is interim director of its Writing Center, cites a few other perks of the job. "For one thing, it gives me more credibility with my students," she said. "It also provides good networking opportunities, and gives me occasion to chat with the authors of the books I review from time to time."

Hirschi also enjoys the satisfaction of being noticed for her work. "Now, when I meet new people, they’ll often say ask, 'aren't you the woman who writes the book column?'"

Other opportunities have arisen from her work as a book critic.

"Because of the Cache Magazine column, I have been invited to be a regular contributor to Irreantium, the quarterly magazine of the Association of Mormon Letters," Hirschi said.

For more information on Hirschi or the Department of English at Utah State, contact (435) 797-3858.


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